Golf has come a long way in the past few years, from a fitness point of view in particular. It doesn’t seem too along ago people joked that you could be a quality golfer but significantly over-weight and unfit. The reality is that these days, players along with the game itself, are developing quickly with guys hitting it further, maintaining concentration for longer in all sorts of weather conditions and they’re not breaking down with injuries as much.
Often your swing will have compensations due to physical limitations rather than ability. For example, you may have seen a golf pro to correct your swing and they may have suggested corrections to your address position and/or changing the plane of your swing. A lot of players will not be able to make these corrections as suggested by the pro due to structural limitations in the body and therefore will not be able to correct the swing until these are addressed.
With these limitations identified, a prescription of specific stretches and exercises will help you to improve the limitations and then address the required swing changes.
At MCGP we train golfers of all playing levels – from beginner through to professional players and it’s paramount for club golfers and tour players alike to keep up with these developments whether you’re looking to win your weekly singles stableford or the next major, through the use of specific golf specific physio screenings, state-of-the-art biomechanical systems, golf swing pressure mats, golf swing video analysis, and many other ways to gather the information we need to help you get a better game.